
Blog Beginnings...

I am on a journey to live up to my name's meaning, 'one who works with her hands and is knowledgable through experience...'. Well, I need more experience I feel. And so, I have joined a 'daily drawing' group on facebook, to keep me accountable in my goal to sketch out something each day, even if the end result is not what I would consider a 'masterpiece'. My hope in doing so is that I will gain the confidence and readiness to create and share from a deeper place within me that only God currently knows.

Note: What I post may not always have a meaning nor encouraging tone, but this is my journey, and you are welcome to follow if you choose. I warn you though, you may be offended at times, and I may not always have an explanation for you as to why I say or draw what I may. I do hope that you are blessed and that I can be a blessing to you as well. This blog is a personal journal and in thus, please view at your own risk. :)


  1. I love this! I am very excited to follow your journey and be inspired. I love your work, and your drawings will always be a blessing to me. Happy drawing! I'm so glad that God saw fit to place us in each others lives, though physically for such a short time, but spiritually forever. Enjoy your blogging. I know I will! Rhonda

  2. BEAUTIFUL you. The funnel can't handle the flow that is filling up, pouring out.
