
Alaskan Native Woman. 
She was so beautiful and allowed me to take her picture, 
but I forgot to get her name and what part of AK she is from. Oops!  
God bless you dear sweet lady!


Practicing on my kiddos now! I'm surprised Liam stood still long enough and allowed me to draw him. Good practice to get me sketching faster for sure! And, yes, he really had a faux hawk!


Untitled / unfinished

Quick sketch study on Da Vinci's 'La Scapigliata', whichhas always been one of myfavorites of his.


Spreading the LOVE

I went to Red Robins with Chris and our friends, Jen Mickelson and Pat & Evelyn Donelson. Our waitress, Beth, was super nice. Pat asked if anyone had a word for her so we took a moment to wait on the Lord. Even though I felt silly sharing with the group at the time, I told them how I kept getting a picture of a teddy bear. This thought wouldn't leave me alone. So, I did this quick sketch for Beth to represent comfort and hope while the others took turns speaking life over her. We found out later on when she was able to take a moment to share that she had an incredibly bad day and that a few of her customers had actually screamed at her in public. She smiled and teared up a little while telling us more about herself and where she was from. Beth was so encouraged and was beaming by the end of our visit. Praise God!! This experience felt so good I just had to share.
Hope you are all having a great day!

Hope you all had a Happy Easter!

Cute, nerdy love!
Every year I paint/dye an egg for my husband Chris. I love robots! This one was dyed in layers starting with the lightest color and adding a transparent crayon to each area I wanted to keep between dye dips. A Sharpie was used at the end for added details.


Okay, so I'm off to a rough start. I have been creative over the past two weeks with paintings during conferences and little doodles for my kids. I suppose I should take pics and post what I have even if I think they're silly. : )


Blog Beginnings...

I am on a journey to live up to my name's meaning, 'one who works with her hands and is knowledgable through experience...'. Well, I need more experience I feel. And so, I have joined a 'daily drawing' group on facebook, to keep me accountable in my goal to sketch out something each day, even if the end result is not what I would consider a 'masterpiece'. My hope in doing so is that I will gain the confidence and readiness to create and share from a deeper place within me that only God currently knows.

Note: What I post may not always have a meaning nor encouraging tone, but this is my journey, and you are welcome to follow if you choose. I warn you though, you may be offended at times, and I may not always have an explanation for you as to why I say or draw what I may. I do hope that you are blessed and that I can be a blessing to you as well. This blog is a personal journal and in thus, please view at your own risk. :)